The New York State Department of Education has revised the examinations required for teacher certification, effective March 2017. The new requirements are as follows:
- Educating All Students Test (EAS)
- Content Specialty Test (CST) in the discipline of science for which you are pursuing certification (biology, chemistry, physics, earth science)
- Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) – This is a portfolio assessment that evaluates one’s ability to plan lessons, instruct classes, and assess both student and teacher performance. All candidates are expected to prepared a portfolio for submission during the first semester of student teaching. For additional information about the NYSTCE testing program, visit their website at
- Graduate Record Exam (GRE) The GRE is standardized exam used to measure an individual’s aptitude for abstract thinking in the areas of analytical writing, mathematics and vocabulary. The GRE requirement applies to all graduate programs that lead to New York State certification in classroom teaching. This includes initial certification, professional certification, and advanced certificate programs.
Graduate Level Candidates:
It is strongly recommended that all Master’s-level candidates take the CST prior to entering the MAT or the Post Baccalaureate Advanced Certificate Program. Candidates who have not submitted CST scores prior to entering the program must submit CST scores to Chalk&Wire prior to any student teaching assignment. No candidate will be permitted to complete student teaching without submitting CST test scores. Candidates who do not successfully pass the CST must submit successful test results before the second teaching assignment. Candidates will not be permitted to continue in the program without successfully submitting CST scores. Once again, we strongly recommend that all candidates submit scores prior to beginning the program to avoid delays in obtaining certification.
The EAS examination should be taken upon completion of the following courses:
- SEYS 536 – Educational Foundations,
- SEYS 552 – Educational Psychology,
- ECPSE 550 – Foundations in Special Education, and
- SEYS 700 – Language, Literacy, and Culture in Education.
The edTPA portfolio will be prepared while concurrently enrolled in the following two courses:
- SEYS 582 – Standards-Based Curriculum Assessment in Teaching Science
- SEYS 574.2 – Student Teaching I during the Fall semester.
All candidates who are enrolled in SEYS 582 will be expected to upload an edTPA submission. The edTPA submission will closely follow the Candidate Work Sample that is a capstone project in the course. Candidates will have the option of officially submitting the edTPA for certification if they believe that the project meets the criteria as directed by the edTPA manual for secondary science education. Candidates who do not wish to officially submit their first edTPA attempt, will have a second opportunity to prepare an edTPA sample during the second student teaching placement.Undergraduate Level Candidates:
CSTIt is strongly recommended that all undergraduate level candidates take the CST upon completion of a minimum of 30 credits in science courses required for the major. Candidates should submit CST scores prior to the semester in which they plan to student teach. No candidate will be permitted to complete student teaching without submitting CST test scores. Candidates must submit CST scores prior to the first student teaching assignment. Candidates who do not successfully pass the CST must submit successful test results before the second teaching assignment. Candidates will not be permitted to continue in the program without successfully submitting CST scores. Once again, we strongly recommend that all candidates submit scores prior to beginning the program to avoid delays in obtaining certification.
The EAS examination should be taken upon completion of the following courses:
- SEYS 221 – Historical, Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education,
- SEYS 221 – Development and Learning in Middle Childhood & Adolescence,
- ECPSE 350 – Foundations in Special Education,
- SEYS 350 Cognition, Technology and Instruction for Diverse Learners, and
- SEYS 340 – Language, Literacy, and Culture in Education.
The edTPA portfolio will be prepared while concurrently enrolled in the following two courses:
- SEYS 382 – Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment in Teaching Science
- SEYS 372.2 – Student Teaching I during the Fall semester.
All candidates who are enrolled in SEYS 382 will be expected to upload an edTPA submission. The edTPA submission will closely follow the Candidate Work Sample that is a capstone project in the course. Candidates will have the option of officially submitting the edTPA for certification if they believe that the project meets the criteria as directed by the edTPA manual for secondary science education. Candidates who do not wish to officially submit their first edTPA attempt, will have a second opportunity to prepare an edTPA sample during the second student teaching placement.
Fingerprinting is required by the New York Department of Education (for student teaching and employment) and by the New York Department of Education (for certification purposes). Please be sure both systems have your fingerprints on file.